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姓 名: 刘星
职 称: 副研究员
电 话: 010-82105950
邮 箱: liuxing02@caas.cn
研究方向: 蔬菜遗传育种
最高学历: 博士研究生
研究领域: 胡萝卜重要农艺性状解析与品种选育






  1. Liang C, Zhao D, Ou C, Zhao Z, Zhuang F, Liu X. 2024. Transcriptome analysis reveals the molecular mechanisms of carrot adaptation to alternaria leaf blight. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(23): 13106.

  2. Liu W#, Xu S#, Ou C#, Liu X#, Zhuang F, Deng X. 2024. T2T genomes of carrot and Alternaria dauci and their utility for understanding host-pathogen interactions during carrot leaf blight disease. The Plant Journal, 120(4): 1643-1661.

  3. Zhao D, Zhuang F, Ou C, Zhang Y, Liu X. 2023. Complete genome sequence of the carrot black rot pathogen Alternaria radicina isolate CBR2. Microbial Pathogenesis, 185: 106421.

  4. Zhao D, Zhuang F, Ou C, Yao X, Liang C, Zhang Y, Liu X. 2023. First Report of Black Rot of Carrot Caused by Alternaria carotiincultae in China. Plant Disease.

  5. Liu X#, Zhao D#, Ou C, Hao W, Zhang Y, He Y, Zhao Z, Zhuang F. 2022. Draft genome sequence of carrot alternaria leaf blight pathogen Alternaria dauci. Plant Disease, 107: 2197-2200.

  6. Liu X#, Zhao D#, Ou C, Hao W, Zhao Z, Zhuang F. 2022. Genome-wide identification and characterization profile of phosphatidy Ethanolamine-Binding Protein (PEBP) family genes in carrots. Frontiers in Genetics, 13: 1047890.

  7. Liu X#, Zhao C#, Yang L, Zhuang M, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Fang Z, Lv H. 2020. A time-resolved dual transcriptome analysis reveals the molecular regulating network underlying the compatible/incompatible interactions between cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans. Plant and Soil, 448: 455-478. 

  8. Liu X#, Zhao C#, Yang L,Zhang Y, Wang Y, Fang Z, Lv H. 2020. Genome-wide identification, expression profile of TIFY gene family in Brassica oleracea var. capitata and the response of JAZ genes to phytohormone and pathogen infection. Genes, 11: 127. 

  9. Liu X, Xing M, Kong C, Fang Z, Yang L, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Ling J, Yang Y, Lv H. 2019. Genetic diversity, virulence, race profiling, and comparative genomic analysis of the Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans strains infecting cabbages in China. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10: 1373. 

  10. Liu X, Ling J, Xiao Z, Xie B, Fang Z, Yang L, Zhang Y, Lv H. 2018. First report of Brussels sprouts and Broccoli yellows caused by Fusarium oxysporum in China. Plant Disease, 102: 2638. 

  11. Liu X, Ling J, Xiao Z, Xie B, Fang Z, Yang L, Zhang Y, Lv H, Yang Y. 2017. Characterization of emerging populations of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans causing cabbage wilt in China. Journal of Phytopathology, 165: 813-821.

  12. Liu X#, Han F#, Kong C, Fang Z, Yang L, Zhang Y, Zhuang M, Liu Y, Li Z, Lv H. 2017. Rapid introgression of the Fusarium wilt resistance gene into an elite cabbage line through the combined application of a microspore culture, genome background analysis, and disease resistance-specific marker assisted selection. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 354.


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“胡萝卜抗黑斑病主效基因的定位和克隆”,2022年 1月至2024年12月,主持;

  2. 北京市青年人才托举工程项目“胡萝卜遗传育种及抗病机理研究”,2023年1月至2025年12月,主持。

  3. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费专项所级统筹项目“胡萝卜黑斑病抗源筛选及抗性基因的定位”,2021年1月至2021年12月,主持; 

  4. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费专项所级统筹项目“胡萝卜黑斑病抗性因子挖掘和鉴定”,2022年1月至2022年12月,主持;

  5. 国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系,胡萝卜品种改良岗位,主要参加人。






